What is yoga?
"I want to try yoga but I’m not flexible at all"
If all yoga teachers had a pound for every time they'd heard this!
Yoga is for everyone, no matter your age, background, gender, everyone can practice and reap the benefits that yoga has to offer.
Yoga means union, union between the body, mind and spirit. It is an ancient practice of moving meditation in preparation for higher states of consciousness, it is a science of purification, in order to purify the mind you must begin by purifying the body.
Yoga is mind body medicine, it enables us to connect with our breath through our bodies, it enables us to bring our minds back into our bodies, to think and feel deeply.
Our yoga practice enables us to ignite vitality and clarity which resides within us so we can live a fulfilling life. It is a healing practice, a tool of reflection and contemplation.
Yoga teaches us to honour our bodies, and to look within. It teaches us to be compassionate towards ourselves and others and to let go of "stuff" which no longer serves it purpose or holds us back.
Yoga teaches us to be present in our mind and body, it will help you build strength, increase flexibility, improve posture and balance. Internally yoga will help you detox and will stimulate your internal organs. Beyond the physicality of the practice, yoga will help you calm the mind, manage stress and most importantly relax.
"We may begin our practice to benefit the body; to become healthy, strong, flexible, sexy or vibrant. We may see yoga on a more superficial level as simply an answer to our boredom or as a good way to meet people. Then one day in a yoga class we may experience the mind spontaneously dropping into a state of calm and clarity, a feeling that draws us back again in search of that natural sense of balance." Richard Freeman
Vinyasa yoga
Vinyasa means to link movement with the breath, for each movement there is one breath. With emphasis placed on the breath we learn how to stay present, focused and mindful within our bodies. The purpose of Vinyasa is for cleansing, movement and breath along with the asana’s create heat in the body and allow the blood to circulate freely around the joints, internal organs and nervous system detoxifying as it goes. Each class is different and you will find each teacher is different as they bring their own unique perspective based on their studies and life experiences. In my class you can expect to find intelligent, fun, and dynamic sequences which synchronise breath based movement, deep and mindful stretches in traditional yoga asana’s and most importantly deep relaxation.
It is advisable to wear loose light fitted clothing and ideally on an empty stomach so try not to eat at least 2 hours before class.
"Yoga is not about touching your toes, it's what you learn on the way down" Jigar Gor